_ Our teams, which were initially involved in the preparatory work for the four 500-metre-deep ventilation shafts at Avrieux, have also been active on the construction of a 31km section of a tunnel for the Lyon–Turin rail line since October 2021. This line between Italy and France will reshape mobility in southern Europe. The first of our three tunnel-boring machines will start digging a 8.6km tunnel from Saint-Martin-de-la-Porte to La Praz in mid-2024. The other two will each dig a 8.3km tunnel, between La Praz and Modane, starting in late 2025 and early 2026. This project is a perfect example of the European Green Deal’s goals: it will spur trade and travel while removing 1 million heavy vehicles from the Alps’ roads and reducing emissions by approximately 3 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent a year.