_ In Canada, where business activity revolves around transport infrastructure and urban development, one of the highlights in 2022 was the acquisition of the Northern Group road construction companies in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Also in Nova Scotia, business units were awarded the contract to renovate the runways at Halifax Stanfield international airport and to equip 70km of road and 40 bridges along Highway 104 with traffic barriers. Eurovia Québec received an innovation award from the Association des Constructeurs de Routes et Grands Travaux du Québec for the first North American test run of Power Road®, VINCI Construction’s positive energy road project. Business units were also very active in Alberta, working on the West Calgary Ring Road project with the Major Projects Division, as well as in British Columbia, repairing severe damage to the highway network caused by extreme weather in November 2021.
_ In the United States, the business line’s third-largest market, behind France and the United Kingdom, VINCI Construction’s local subsidiaries, which focus on roadworks, carried out infrastructure construction projects in the 10 states on the East Coast and in the American South where they have bases, using supplies from about 50 asphalt plants and a network of quarries producing over 1 million tonnes of aggregate a year. In particular, Virginia Paving completed the widening of Interstate 66 outside Washington, while Hubbard undertook widening operations on State Road 417 and refurbishment of four bridges in Orlando, Florida. In Maine, Northeast Paving began a pavement rehabilitation and pipe replacement project in Acadia National Park. In North Carolina 16, Blythe won a contract to upgrade 14.5km of roads, bridges and pipework in Davidson County. It will apply ultra-thin asphalt and Viaflex HA (high-performance flexible asphalt) on this project. The company’s asphalt plants have received awards from the National Asphalt Pavement Association for their responsible operating practices and excellence in stakeholder engagement.