2023 Essentials

The principles guiding our action

Social integration
And making a positive impact on society and the economy

The Link Alliance consortium, which is working on the City Rail Link in New Zealand, is also supporting an extensive programme to integrate young people from Maori communities and disadvantaged backgrounds by building their skills through training and tutoring. This 16-week programme will be held twice a year until the main works are completed at the end of 2024.

In the United Kingdom, the teams working on the High Speed 2 line are supporting integration through employment with a variety of initiatives including a free-of-charge training programme for people interested in building a career in the construction sector. This initiative has reached more than 130 learners since its launch in November 2021. VINCI Construction is also a founding member of the Social Partnership Portal, an online platform enabling suppliers and social entrepreneurs to work together, maximise social value, use more local circuits and diversify.

VINCI Construction companies create non-offshorable value and generate wealth locally. In 2022, VINCI Construction asked Utopies©, a consultancy, to measure the full impact of its business activities in France. This study identified the contribution that VINCI Construction and its companies make to the French economy and provided a fuller picture of the wealth that VINCI Construction helped to generate and distribute in its host geographies. According to 2021 figures, it supported 0.9% of the country’s jobs and contributed 0.7% of its GDP. Through each of its employees, VINCI Construction supports 3.4 additional jobs in local areas. The study also found that VINCI Construction makes about 50% of its purchases from very small, small and medium-sized businesses (96.5% of all purchases by VINCI Group companies operating in France).

Dialogue with stakeholders and reducing inconvenience

VINCI Construction continued to liaise with stakeholders around its worksites, and pushed ahead with its efforts to reduce inconvenience, in 2022. It uses digital apps, letterboxes and notice boards to rapidly inform the public of any disruptions arising from its works.