_ The Civil Engineering France division’s subsidiaries, partnering with the Major Projects Division, were involved in the Lyon–Turin rail link and several Grand Paris Express projects. As part of the latter, they were also responsible for coordinating the construction and fit-out of the Noisy-Champs station, fit-out of the Châtillon-Montrouge underground station, building of ancillary structures for lines 15 South and 16, and constructing the operations and rolling-stock maintenance centre for the future Line 18 in Palaiseau.
_ Education and research: the Agro Paris-Saclay Campus, the École de Design Nantes Atlantique, the École Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques (Cinema section) in Bordeaux. Arts and culture: in Paris, refurbishment of the Hôtel de Coulanges and conversion of the former Louvre des Antiquaires building into a venue for contemporary art. Sports and leisure: the LDLC Arena near Lyon, the Arena Saint-Étienne Métropole (Loire), the new AS Monaco Performance Centre in La Turbie (Alpes-Maritimes), the Tabarly nautical base in Sète (Hérault), as well as two key projects for the upcoming worldwide sports events of 2024: the Universeine development project led by VINCI Immobilier within the athletes’ village programme (in Seine-Saint-Denis), and the Roucas-Blanc nautical stadium in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). Heritage and historical monuments: the Carlton Cannes hotel and the Bibliothèque Nationale de France’s Richelieu site in Paris. Housing: the Carré de l’Arsenal project in Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine) and the Cité des Alouettes in Bully-les-Mines (Pas-de-Calais). At the project preparation stage, the Adim network worked on the real estate development operations and financial structuring for some 100 projects of all types (urban programmes, office buildings and residential properties).